Carta de apoio da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia (SBI) à Comunidade Científica Argentina
26 de março de 2024
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No dia 22 de março, A Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia (SBI) enviou uma carta ao Chefe do Gabinete de Ministros, Engenheiro Nicolás Posse; Presidente do CONICET, Daniel Salamone; e aos Membros do Conselho de Administração do CONICET, manifestando a sua preocupação com a grave situação que afeta atualmente o financiamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Argentina e o seu apoio ao Network of Authorities of Science and Technology Institutes of Argentina (RAICYT, Red de Autoridades de Institutos de Ciencia y Tecnología).

Leia a carta abaixo ou acesse neste link.



Rio de Janeiro, March 22nd 2024.


Mr. Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Engineer Nicolás Posse

c.c. Mr. President of CONICET, Dr.Daniel Salamone

c.c. Members of the Board of Directors of CONICET


The Brazilian Society of Immunology, on behalf of the Brazilian Immunologists, expresses, very respectfully, its concern with the grave situation that presently affects the Argentine Science and Technology system. The recent budget restrictions to Argentine agencies for Science funding are undoubtedly detrimental and have long-lasting effects on the national scientific and technology system. Seeing a sister nation face such challenges deeply touches us.

The history of Argentine Science is rich and inspiring, full of brilliant scientists whose contributions have transcended borders. It is impossible not to mention two Nobel Prize winners in Medicine and Physiology: Bernardo Houssay and César Milstein. Their discoveries had a tremendous impact on medicine and basic immunology, allowing breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment for various diseases.

The long tradition of Argentine scientific excellence involves generating solid knowledge in various areas such as physics, biology, engineering, and technology. It is not acceptable that decades of governmental investments and, most importantly, the efforts of numerous highly talented scientists are put at risk by the scientific and technological dismantling currently occurring in your country.

Therefore, we would like to express our deep solidarity and support to the Network of Authorities of Science and Technology Institutes of Argentina (RAICYT, Red de Autoridades de Institutos de Ciencia y Tecnología) on its present requirements for the maintenance of the public investment in Science and Technology. Permanent and adequate Science funding is absolutely necessary to keep functioning the scientific structure of Argentina. Science, as we well know, is fundamental for the development and well-being of any country.


Sincerely yours,

Maria Bellio

President of the Brazilian Society of Immunology (SBI)