Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia (SBI) e a Revista Discovery Immunology anunciam concurso inédito
04 de julho de 2022
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Concurso inédito oferece a oportunidade de associados adimplentes da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia (SBI) poderem submeter seus trabalhos e terem um artigo publicado gratuitamente (100% de desconto na taxa de publicação)  na  Discovery Immunology, uma revista da British Society for Immunology.

O prêmio será concedido ao pesquisador (associado adimplente da SBI) que apresentar a melhor pesquisa original na área de imunologia celular e molecular. As submissões devem descrever novas descobertas que forneçam informações sobre os mecanismos que controlam a resposta imune.

As inscrições podem ser feitas até o dia 31 de agosto de 2022.

Confira a chamada completa e instruções abaixo:


Brazilian Society for Immunology and Discovery Immunology announce a new competition

We are thrilled to announce a new competition brought to you in collaboration with Discovery Immunology, an official journal of the British Society for Immunology. 

We are looking for cutting edge research from members of the Brazilian Society for Immunology. Authors are invited to compete for a chance to submit their work for free to the new Open Access journal from the British Society for Immunology, Discovery Immunology. 

The prize will be awarded to the investigator (member of the Brazilian Society for Immunology) who presents the best original research in the field of cellular and molecular immunology. Submissions should describe new findings which provide insight into the mechanisms controlling the immune response.  

Applications will be assessed by a panel of experts from the Brazilian Society for Immunology (SBI) and Discovery Immunology, including Ana Maria Caetano Faria (President, SBI), Alexandre Basso (Vice-President, SBI and editorial board, Discovery Immunology), Simon Milling (Editor-in-Chief, Discovery Immunology) and Lis Antonelli (editorial board, Discovery Immunology). 

The winning applicant will be invited to write up and submit their final research article to Discovery Immunology, where it will be assessed by the journal editorial team and will undergo the standard peer review process. Winners of the competition are not guaranteed to have their first article accepted, however the free publication can be carried forward to future submissions. 

Application instructions

  • Summary expanded with up to four (4) pages, including tables, figures and references outlining a recent study you have completed, the main findings, and why you think it would be of interest to the scientific community;
  • Margins: 2 cm (right) and 3 cm (left);
  • Font: Arial 12 and regular style, using “symbols” for special characters;
  • Single space between lines and paragraph divisions;
  • Insert space between title, authors, affiliation and text.

The closing date for submissions will be the 31 August 2022.  Submissions should be sent to with the subject “SBI Discovery Immunology Competition”. 

About Discovery Immunology

Discovery Immunology is a fully Open Access peer-reviewed journal brought to you by the British Society for Immunology (BSI) and edited by leading immunologist Professor Simon Milling, with support from an international editorial board of experts from academia and industry.

The journal aims to publish high-quality articles describing novel mechanisms controlling the immune response. While these will often describe basic aspects of cellular or molecular immunology, we also welcome articles describing discovery science with relevance to infection biology, inflammation or immune-mediated pathogenesis.